2023 DMEC FMLA/ADA Employer Compliance Conference: Navigating Ancillary Paid Leave Options to Support Employee Well-being

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While paid family and medical leave (PFML) remains in the state regulatory spotlight, much of the workforce is not covered by these laws or has leave needs outside of what is available. At the height of COVID-19, the American Journal of Emergency Medicine reported a 25%-33% increase in reported domestic violence cases. According to WHO, mental health issues rose 25% in 2020. These issues did not disappear even though pandemic impacts have lessened.

In this session, we will focus on ancillary types of paid leave that employers can offer as support tools for employees, as well as how to facilitate easier navigation for an employee assessing their options. We will discuss leave related to domestic violence, bereavement, mental health, and more that can bolster existing, more traditional offerings. We will drill down into compliance considerations and highlight specific employer programs to bring concepts to life and share results.


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1.00 CLMS CEU credit  |  No certificate available