2023 Webinar: Undue Hardship – In the Eye of the Beholder

Employers are acutely aware of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations, and the requirement to provide reasonable accommodations to applicants or employees absent undue hardship. But what does the term “undue hardship” really mean? What is the process for determining an undue hardship and how does an employer complete a fair and thorough analysis without bias or external support? And what is reasonable in the most challenging of situations such as when performance management overlaps or there is an extended or catastrophic leave?

In this session, we will provide a framework illustrating the process for reviewing some of the more challenging accommodation requests and how to determine if an undue hardship exists. We will provide tips and best practices to help develop your skill at determining what is reasonable and what presents an undue hardship.

This webinar is 90 minutes.


This webinar qualifies for the following CEUs: 1 ADMS, 1 CDMS, 1 CLMS, 1 PHR, and 1 SHRM

If you are not a DMEC member and need to record a CLMS CEU for attending this event, please contact Jai Hooker at jhooker@dmec.org for assistance. 

Components visible upon registration.