2024 DMEC Virtual Mental Health Conference: Constructing Your Business Case - Why a Mentally Healthy Culture is Crucial

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Positively impacting employee mental health and well-being improves productivity and performance, attracts and retains top performers, lowers overall healthcare costs, and creates a safe and inclusive work culture. The opportunity to improve workplace mental health exists at the organizational and employee levels. Securing leadership support is the first step to any successful mental health initiative. With leadership on board, a lot of other barriers fall away. This session will outline practical steps to communicate why a mentally healthy culture is crucial, evaluate your employees’ wants and needs, and determine what a successful program will look like. Understanding the change you want to see and how you can measure that change will help you build out the initiative for better success.

Shayla Gerity, Program Manager, Center for Workplace Mental Health, American Psychiatric Association Foundation
Emma Jellen, Associate Director, Center for Workplace Mental Health, American Psychiatric Association Foundation


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Event Qualifies for the Following CEUs
1.00 CLMS CEU credit  |  No certificate available
1.00 CLMS CEU credit  |  No certificate available