2024 Webinar: Statutory Paid Leaves – What You Need To Know For 2025

If you have employees in a statutory jurisdiction, you’re looking for tools and tactics to stay on top of your compliance obligations. There are several states that have enacted paid family leave programs that will be effective in 2026. In addition to the new states for which employers are preparing, there may be changes to the established programs in California, Connecticut, Colorado, DC, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, and Washington. This session will provide information about statutory paid leave program changes coming in 2025. We’ll also provide an overview and key dates for the upcoming 2026 programs for Delaware, Maine, Maryland and Minnesota. We’ll close out by providing an overview of private plan administration vs. state administration and what that means to employers.

This webinar is 90 minutes.


This webinar qualifies for the following CEUs: 1 ADMS, 1 CDMS, 1 CLMS, 1 PHR, and 1 SHRM

If you are not a DMEC member and need to record a CLMS CEU for attending this event, please contact Jai Hooker at jhooker@dmec.org for assistance. 

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